Traditional Lamb Tandoor Recipe
ladies and gentlemen hello, all of you are welcome
traditional lamb tandoor recipe
the meal here will be enough for 300 people
This is my favorite meat dish and now I'm giving you a detailed recipe
necessary materials for lamb tandoor
35 kilograms of lamb meat and only rear leg portions
half a liter of liquid sunflower oil
red cabbage pepper, onion, carrot and garlic
500 grams of tomato or pepper paste can be used
salt, thyme, white ground pepper, red chili, black pepper, cumin, soy sauce
vegetable condiment, balsamic vinegar, some sugar
This special special flat-bottomed cooking pan will be used to cook lamb meat
this machine works with gas and the fire is burning evenly at the bottom
of course less amount can be made in normal pot
Add liquid sunflower oil and allow it to warm up
carefully add the lamb meat
Add and fry white fat portions of meat before

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wait for 5 minutes to warm up after adding
meats continue to fry and chop vegetables
split bulbs into large pieces
chop the carrots in a thick way
cut garlic in half
add chopped vegetables randomly on meats
these vegetables are necessary to give flavor to the sauce of the dish.
Check the flushing condition of the meats and turn the other side
fry for 5 to 10 minutes after turning the other side of meat
collect fried meat aside in the pan and create a space to add spices

Add the mixed vegetable condiment, add cumin and black pepper
red chili pepper, thyme and salt add white ground pepper
add soy sauce and add some balsamic vinegar and add some sugar
Add up to 500 grams of tomato paste
completely mix all ingredients
Add boiling water to the level of meats
cook for 2 hours over medium heat after boiling
meats 2 hours will be cooked in some cases after 3 hours
remove the lamb meat from the pan without water
add water into a steel container with strainer
prepare boiled meats to be thin
finely chop the lamb, place the thin meat in the baking tray
Separate the oily portions of the meats and add the chop with chop
this tray will be full and will be enough for 100 people, 3 full tray will be prepared

melt some butter in the pan and add the molten butter a little to the top of the meat
cover the oven trays with foil and close completely
bake lamb tandoor for 1 hour with one percent steam
lavash bread will be used to place these breads under the meat
we will use the water separated by lamb meat
boil the lamb broth
we'll use a little dust demi glace sauce
After boiling broth mix and add with cold water
add some flavorings and add flavor
can add some cream

steamed lamb tandoori meat will be completely soft
add lavash bread
Watch videos of lavash bread on my channel
add rice pilaf
You can watch the recipe of rice with pistachio with rice
add the lamb meat on the fine lavash bread
Add tomatoes and green peppers and strain the solid knead will be beautiful
Add the sauce you prepared with the meat broth and serve