Beef Broccoli with chinese five spice oyster sauce: Stir Fry.
Here is another stir fry cooking, that most ordered main course in a authentic chinese restaurant. Favorite among asian and western dinners. Here is the list of those ingredients: again thru the kindness and courtesy of Mr. Michael Taylor. He re type this for me to copy and paste into this description column. Here is the list:
8 oz. -------- beef flank steak (thinly sliced) marinade: 1 Tbsp -- light soy sauce 1/2 tsp five-spice seasoning 1 tsp ---- corn starch 1 Tbsp -- cooking oil 8 oz -------- broccoli florets, cut into biting size 6 to 8 cups-- water (for blanching) 1 tsp -------- salt (for blanching) 2 Tbsp ------ cooking oil (for stir fry) 1 Tbsp ------ each, ginger 8: garlic (minced) pre mix sauce: 1/4 cup -- beef broth 1 Tbsp -- oyster sauce 1 tsp ----- sesame oil 1/2 tsp — sugar starch-water mixture (for thickening sauce) 1 tsp --- corn starch, 1/8 cup (2 Tbsp) -- water