Best Ever Enriched Fried Rice with Abalone Sauce
Here is one chinese fried rice cooking, That I developed recently, loaded with tons of flavor from different kind of tasty meat & other tasty ingredients. You will not find this in your favorite chinese restaurant. But only , here in my chinese cooking channel. Below are the list of ingredients: so we can copy-paste-print the same. Again, thru the courtesy of Mr. Michael Taylor, who help me type those for our convenience.
5 to 6 cups -- cooked steamed rice (brown rice)
as needed - cooking oil
3 pcs. ------ eggs (large size)
2 Tbsp ----- ginger (minced)
1 bulb ------ garlic (minced)(one whole)
4 slices ---- bacon (diced)
4 oz. -------- shrimps (shelled, deveined, washed & diced)
4 pcs. ------ dried shiitake mushroom (water soak to soften & diced)
4 oz. -------- roasted duck meat (diced)
4 Tbsp ----- abalone sauce
1 tsp -------- white pepper
8 stalks --- green onion (chopped) & for garnishing.
note: about 90% of the garlic is used when stir frying the rice