Lamb Liver Sauteed Best Recipe
lamb liver sauteed meal, detailed recipe, exquisite flavor that looks fabulous
the amount of food to be made on this video is worth 40 people
how to cook lamb chops? I will show you the important tricks
the Albanian cigar recipe has been shared, now the lamb stew will be served
stuff for lamb liver saute
5 kilograms of lamb
1.5 kilograms of onion
1 kilogram of green pepper
2.5 kilograms of tomato
2.5 kilograms of potatoes
black pepper, red pepper, cumin
thyme, salt, and crushed garlic
liquid sunflower oil

remove the membrane on the liver with your hand
the lamb liver has a very thin membrane,
there is no need to go into much detail
chop the lamb small
add the chopped lambs into the deep bowl of the lungs
add cold water and stir
filter and wash
wait for the water to drain completely
peel onion and chop finely
chopped onions can wait in a container
remove the seeds of green peppers, and chop
you can use pepper without pain or suffering
chopped peppers can wait in a container

cut the ends of the tomatoes to easily peel the shells, and add boiling water
Close the door and wait 5 minutes
Add cold water after 5 minutes and easily peel tomatoes
chopped tomatoes
add the chopped tomatoes into the container
peel the potatoes and chop the other pieces of the same size
 add pot of liquid sunflower oil and cook with chopped onions mixed
you can add a little sugar for quick cooking of onions
use a large saucepan and this saucepan may be without or with aluminum
add oil and wait for it to warm up
add liquid sunflower oil to the chopped and thirsty lungs and mix
add chopped green peppers
add the chopped lamb liver after the oil has warmed up and stir
stir the lambs for 2 minutes, the lungs will leave the blood and water
Now remove the lambs from this water and add to the other pot
cook lamb liver with medium heat
spices and crushed garlic, stir

it is raining and as you can see the landscape here
add chopped tomatoes
cook for a while, 10 minutes
chopped potatoes in oil
the lamb is fully cooked, now you can add it into a large tray
add fried potatoes on sauteed lamb sauce
the lamb is cooked and ready to be served
beside this meal, salads or drinks as ayran, my preference