BLUEBERRY LEMON CAKE - Tender and Delicious
This breakfast cake or coffee cake is tender and bursting with sweet blueberries with a hint of lemon zest.
It tastes and smells amazing. If you like blueberries give this recipe a try. You will love it.

Recipe serves 8
Bake 350 F 40-45 minutes

2 Cups all purpose flour 250g
1/2 Tsp salt
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 Cup sugar
1 Stick of butter or 1/2 cup oil
1 Cup butter milk
2 Eggs
1 Tsp vanilla extract
1 Lemon zest
2 Cups blueberries
1-2 Tbsp powdered sugar for dusting
9-Inch springform cake pan

To make buttermilk-stir in 1 tbsp white vinegar or lime juice to 1 cup of milk. Let it stand 5-10 minutes. Buttermilk makes the cake soft and moist.