Apple Cinnamon Pie Detailed Recipe
Easy made and fabulous delicious, apple pie recipe
How to make apple cinnamon pies on a large tray, you will see in this video
ingredients for making pie dough
2 kilograms of sieved white wheat flour
650 grams of margarine
2 bowls of liquid sunflower oil
6 eggs
40 grams of dough baking powder
10 grams of vanilla
500 grams of granulated sugar
25 apples
500 grams of granulated sugar
1 or at most 2 scoops of cinnamon

wash the apples first and prepare them peeled
remove the core by cutting the apples away
hold the knife like this and use your thumb
press the knife with your thumb, otherwise you can cut your hand
prepare peeled and seedless apples grated
to have long apple grains, you must grate downwards in one move
add grated apples to large pot
Add 500 grams of sugar
 add cinnamon powder
in this way ignite the bottom of the pot and cook the apples
Mix at 5 minute intervals
Over time, the apples will absorb the juice, so it is enough to cook
leave in a ventilated place and allow to cool

apples are ready, now you can prepare pie dough
add eggs to large pot
add sugar and stir until sugar has dissolved
Add baking powder and vanilla to the dough
Add liquid sunflower oil, stir a little
add softened margarines and start kneading
add some flour
it is important to add flour slowly
first add 500 grams of flour stir and then add 500 grams more flour
you need to add 2 kilograms of flour in total
close the lid and wait 20 minutes.

separate thirty-five percent of the dough
for the lower part of the dough pie on the right,
the dough on the left will be used for the top of the pie
add the dough to the baking tray and slowly open it with your hand
 you can try to open the dough using a roller
the edges should be slightly higher in this manner
add the completely cooled apple mortar on the dough
completely cover the dough with apple mortar
now you can prepare the top of the pie
add 1 egg white to prevent the dough from spreading
 knead the dough thoroughly
roll the dough with a roller between a large paper or bag,
will dissipate because it is a dehydrated dough
cut the dough into long strips after opening
add the dough strips horizontally and vertically at intervals
you can cook the pie immediately after preparing it
Add the pie to the oven and cook at 160 degrees for 20 minutes.
allow it to cool after cooking
If you have extra dough you can make cookies in this way
cut the pie the size you want
add powdered sugar by sieving
you can do it easily after trying it once
can be served for a snack or breakfast, or for dessert after dinner