Instant Hot Sweet Yummy Soup Japanese Traditional Sweets Wagashi"Kaichu Shiruko"
this video shows Japanese traditional sweets Wagashi Kaichu Shiruko.basically Kaichu Shiruko consists of Monaka skin and dry sweet bean paste,when pour hot water into it,it becomes hot sweet bean paste soup or hot sweet starch soup"Kudzuyu"(Kudzu means Japanese arrowroot).
this time i made 3flavor of Kaichu Shiruko,cinnamon flavor Kudzuyu,green tea flavor Kudzuyu,and normal flavor,sweet bean paste anko flavor shiruko.

i bought these Kaichu Shiruko at Yaogenraikoudo(Wagashi shop),in Osaka/Japan.when you come to Japan,please give it try;)

old style green tea leaves containter of Kaichu Shiruko(each 380yen )