Donating 24,000 Servings of Pork in 24 HOURS
Thanks to the National Pork Board for sponsoring this video! #HamsAcrossAmerica

We partnered with the National Pork Board to celebrate Hams Across America, their program about paying it forward with pork during the holiday season. We challenged ourselves to see how many servings we could bring to communities in 24hrs and are SO HAPPY to announce we were able to deliver 24,000 servings of pork to food banks and pantries across Central Florida. IF we had more time - just think of how many people we could have served! Watch our video to join us every step of the way. Wondering what you can do? Well that's easy - give a meal to someone in need, cook a meal for a friend, or just do something nice for someone. #PayItForward

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