Szechwan Vegetarian Spicy Noodle
For delicious szechuan spicy noodle cooking without meat . Here is one cooking that you might like. Good for in coming cold weather or for any occasion. ( Or when you are graving for spicy food ) Below are the list of ingredients. Again, thru the courtesy of Mr. Michael Taylor. Who type those list in his comment section. So we can COPY-PASTE-PRINT the same.
List of Ingredients: ** created by HAPPY WOK ***************
8 oz ------------- noodle (fresh wheat type)
2 pcs ----------- baby bok choy
5 to 6 cups -- water for boiling
1 Tbsp --------- salt
** Sauce**
1/2 cup ------ red chili oil, homemade (see my video: /watch?v=UPAR94vlq6M&t=9s
1 Tbsp ------- each, sesame paste, Chinkiang vinegar & sesame oil
2 Tbsp ------- light soy sauce
1/2 tsp ------- white sugar
** Toppings **
1/8 cup ------ toasted peanuts (coarsely chopped)
1/2 tsp ------- toasted sesame seeds
1 pc ----------- fresh red chili pepper, small size (minced)
2 Tbsp ------- chopped green onions
1/4 cup ------ cilantro