Braised Chicken Wings in Chu Hou Sauce
Here is another way of cooking chicken wings. The Cantonese way. This time using Chu Hou paste as medium of braising into aromatic tasty tenderness meal. Below are the list of ingredients. Again , thru the courtesy of Mr. Michael Taylor. Who helps us, by typing those for our convenience. So, we can easily COPY-PASTE-PRINT the same.
List of Ingredients: ** created by HAPPY WOK ***
1 1/2 pounds --- chicken wings (cut into 2 per section)
2 Tbsp ------------- light soy sauce (for marinade)
3 Tbsp ------------- cooking oil
1 Tbsp ------------- each, ginger & garlic (minced)
** pre-mix sauce ***
1/4 cup ---------- rice wine
1 tsp -------------- each, chu hou & soybean paste
1/2 tsp ---------- corn starch
1/2 tsp ---------- sugar
1 tsp ------------- sesame oil
** for garnishing **
1 Tbsp ---------- green onions (chopped)