Traditional Turkish Breakfast Varieties Section 8
What do Turks eat at breakfast? this question led to a series of videos
first a different pancake for breakfast
It is a mixture of normal pancakes, eggs, milk and salt
grated salami is added to the mixture and the pancakes are prepared in the cooking pan.
A little liquid sunflower oil is added into the teflon pan, it is expected to warm up
After heating the pan is added a scoop mixture,
tilt left and right to cover the whole pan
one side is fried for 30 seconds and the other side is turned and cooked
very simple and delicious breakfast, pancakes

Dried foods are very important in Turkish cuisine, a video about this will be prepared
dried foods are preferred at breakfast, for example dried grapes
Turkey is derived from medium and large yellow grapes are raisins
grape production is sufficient in the country, raisin price is also appropriate
French fries with a size of 9 x 9 will be made
I think you should avoid frozen frozen potatoes
machine will be used to chop fresh potatoes like potatoes sold in markets
business owners can also facilitate their work with such a chopping machine
chopper is fixed on the bench and stands very robust
peeled and washed potatoes placed in chopper bowl
turn the machine one turn and the potatoes are chopped to the same size
at least this way, I think healthier, frozen potatoes contain more fat
tomatoes for breakfast, cucumbers are freshly taken, are grown in the gardens of some houses
chopped potatoes and prepares to fry
Adding plenty of oil into a large large frying pan, 10 liters
After the oil is warmed, the potatoes are added without water
If you are not careful oil may overflow and fire may occur, these situations occurred
After fried potatoes, green peppers are added all the way, cooked for 1 minute
add paper into tray and get rid of excess oil
After 1 minute, the materials are removed without oil
French fries with fried pepper to be served
ketchup, mayonnaise, red paprika and salt are added
Besides the French fries cold juice will be good, apricot juice can be
this is delicious, but it is useful to consume this kind of food in moderation

standard breakfast bread, white bread
Turkey is the kind of bread you can find all the cities and grocery stores
crispy on the outside and soft on the inside like sponge
this bread is made with yeast and 250 grams of dough.
need to prepare a separate video on the different kinds of bread
healthy sweet breakfast variety, tahini and molasses
it will be very useful if you can feed your children
tahini is obtained with sesame oil, one of the healthiest oils
original grape syrup is used, it is enough to add 2 or 3 spoons
add some walnuts on it, and ready to serve
Let's see what's on this breakfast menu
healthy dessert type tahini and molasses
tomato slices
brown olives with olive oil
cow cheese, fresh black grapes, cocoa tahini halva
salami pancakes, traditional black tea as hot drink
white bread, french fries and peppers
apricot juice as cold drink