Healthy Chocolate Energy Bars Recipe - Homemade Caramel Crispy Energy Bars
How to make chocolate energy bars and crispy caramel bars
to be made in the oven without cooking
materials to be used for chocolate bars
you can use dark or milk chocolate, cream chocolate
Rolled oats
raw sesame
raisins, dried mulberries, pumpkin seeds
cashew and walnut
dried black and yellow apricot
dry black plum
dry fig
tahini and grape molasses
small cocopops
energy bar crumbs that we made earlier
cinnamon powder
baking paper and square tray
Let's look at how many grams of ingredients
250 grams of chocolate added,
as you can see the gram measurements of other materials

finely chop the dried fruits with a knife
you can make it with dried apricots, dried figs and prunes, or different dried fruits at home
the materials here don't have to be all
add oatmeal to the blender
add cornflakes to the blender
add other ingredients to the blender
shred the ingredients with a blender
add the ingredients to a large pan or pot
add sesame
mix the ingredients over the heat and heat a little
add cinnamon powder
no overcooking, just heat it for 5 minutes
Melt 250 grams of chocolate without burning them, you can use microwaves
you can also use white chocolate for this recipe, it doesn't matter
add cocopops
it is enough to have the consistency of chocolate as you can see
add the ingredients into the container, they should all be a little warm
add tahini and grape molasses
add melted chocolate
first mix it with a little spoon, then mix it completely with your hand

Place baking paper in the container and add the ingredients
press the material with your hand, and make it unite
this way you can press with a steel weight, you can press
after ready, it should wait 3 hours in cold refrigerator
you can remove it as a mold after it cools completely
chocolate energy bars are ready, you can cut them to the desired size with a knife
if you cut this size, you will get at least 60 grams of bars
great appearance, ingredients inside explained, no harmful content
these energy bars, for kids, for teens, for athletes, healthy snacks
Something incredibly tasty happened, I highly recommend you try
as you can see, one is 60 grams, and a total of 1 kilogram of energy bars
they are sold at very high prices in the markets
you can store it in the freezer, remove and eat it after 10 minutes

Next is caramel crocan energy bars, crispy energy bar recipe
these energy bars won't break down and you don't need to store them in the freezer
 ingredients oatmeal
peanuts, walnuts and pistachios
raw sunflower seeds
corn flakes and dry blackberries
seedless yellow raisins
you can use grape with seeds
raw sesame
steel pot for making caramel
 plastic spoons
granulated sugar
not crunchy crocus, if you want a soft texture add milk to caramel

first add the oatmeal to the blender, and turn it into flour
Add peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, mix
it will be enough to prepare it as you see
add other ingredients
blend ingredients
Add granulated sugar to steel pot to make caramel
at medium temperature, wait for the caramel to turn color
you can mix it with plastic spoon if necessary
add butter
You can add milk after the butter has melted, if you don't want crispy
add the ingredients, it will be better if you preheat the ingredients
if the ingredients are cold caramel hot it will freeze like this
mix in a bowl and heat again
mix with wooden spoon, the ingredients will be caramel coated as it warms up
place on the baking tray and press down with paper
it will be enough to press it with your hand, I can say it is too hot
Once cool, remove the crispy energy bars from the tray
it may not come out as a whole, no problem,
it is necessary to cut it in advance to get it properly
You can eat after breaking 50 grams
Crispy bars with caramel were made with sugar, others did not use sugar
the advantage is that you don't have to throw it in the freezer
delicious, very crispy, these are very enjoyable snacks for me
we presented two different energy bar recipes that you can make at home
A total of 4 recipes with previous energy bar recipes are all very good