Green Salad Recipe With Tuna - Pasta Recipe With Tuna Sauce
Green salad with tuna, healthy diet salad
Easy-to-prepare tuna pasta recipe
Two different recipes were prepared in this video
First, green salad with tuna sauce will be made.
Prefer fresh and seasonal green salad ingredients
Necessary ingredients for making tuna salad
Use rocket or cress, I prefer using cress
Has a bitter aromatic taste and countless benefits
green mint and dill
aysberg lettuce
leaves are thicker and tastier than other types of lettuce
boiled corn
1 carrot
cherry tomatoes
ingredients for salad dressing
olive oil, grape vinegar, pomegranate syrup,
rock salt, lemon, garlic,
1 tuna fish, you can increase it upon request
You can add walnuts and olives on the salad

Soak these green leafy vegetables in vinegar cold water and wash them
there may be invisible creatures on green leaves, grape vinegar will keep them clean
 wash green ingredients and chop without water
aysberg lettuce chop square, not too thin, chop 3 centimeters tall
chop green fresh mint, you can add only by separating the leaves by hand
Chop the butter, add the chopped ingredients into the glass bowl
chop parsley and dill, add
this amount will be enough for 5 people to consume with a main meal
for those on a diet, this salad will be the main dish alone
add boiled corn
a corn that I bought and frozen fresh this summer, now we are in March
Separate the corn grains with a fork and add
add carrot
Prepare the leaves in the form of leaves with the apparatus to peel the carrot to be compatible with the salad
Cut it to 3 inches and add thin carrot slices
mix ingredients completely
Slice and add cherry tomatoes, you can place them on the edges for ornamental purposes
you can add some more corn on top
add walnuts
Add black or green olives between the tomatoes
Salad prepared, now a tuna salad dressing will be prepared

add the tuna in a bowl, add the oil in the canned food
add olive oil
add salt to garlic and crush it completely,
Add a little vinegar and lemon juice to the crushed garlic mix
add rock salt
add pomegranate syrup and mix
tuna salad dressing was prepared,
you can make this mixture without fish and with more walnuts, or using more fish
add the sauce you prepared on the salad, mix when it will be served

ingredients for making tuna pasta
a bowl of auger pasta and 1 bowl of water
1 onion
green pepper and capia pepper
1 canned tuna
rock salt and olive oil
black pepper and red chili peppers
Add a bowl of water and salt to the pot, wait for it to boil
chop half onion
chop a red bell pepper
chop green pepper, you can use hot pepper, these are some hot pepper
add the pasta after the water boils and cook for 8 - 10 minutes
Use 1 bowl of water for 1 bowl of pasta and do not wash the pasta after cooking
add olive oil into a large large pan
add chopped onions and peppers, mix, cook for 5 minutes
add canned tuna, mix
add boiled pasta, mix
add chili pepper and black pepper, you can add your favorite spices
you can serve it after checking the salt content
Garnish with cherry tomatoes and roasted onions
You can add slices of cheese instead of onions
Two different recipes prepared with tuna sauce

Pasta and salad are a good match, I think you can make two recipes on the same day
mix and serve the salad, especially the salad was a very good mixture
Tuna fish have Omega 3, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and vitamins B12, A, D and E.
You should especially feed your tuna fish with such strong values ​​to your children.