Jack Stein talks about the criticism of the Rick Stein Group due to the Coronavirus pandemic
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In this episode we spoke to Jack Stein following the criticism of the Rick Stein Group last week as The Daily Mail reported they had told staff across their restaurants that they would receive no pay from March 21st until government grants come through.

Jack puts the record straight and tells the company’s side of the story – he explains that the group wanted to tell staff early the situation they were facing so they could put things in place financially.

The company looked at the cashflow coming out of winter season and realised they would go bust by the end of April - the weekly wage bill is 250,000 pounds.

He also says they are now happy to talk about the fact they have pandemic insurance cover but they are yet to have the claim accepted.

He is putting pressure on insurers to pay out as this will allow them to pay staff for two years up to £50 million pounds.

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