Kabocha tapioca is one of my favorite desserts. It is a simple healthy creamy dessert and so good. I make it almost every week. Kabocha squash is packed with beta-carotene, which is great for immunity, healthy skin, hair and eyes. It also contains other vitamins, minerals and fiber. If you never had kabocha before the taste is a cross between butternut squash and sweet potato. Feel free to adjust the sweetness and add more or less coconut milk. You can either steam or boil the squash until tender for this recipe.

Recipe serves 6

2 1/2 Pounds kabocha squash 1133g
1 Tbsp tapioca pearls-soaked
3 Cups water
1/2 Cup sugar or to taste
1/4 Tsp salt
13.5 Oz coconut milk 400ml
3 Pandan leaves-optional

Add 1/3 cup of sugar instead of 1/2 cup if you don’t like it sweet.

Note:1 tbsp of tapioca pearls might seem like is not enough but after you cook it in the broth it absorbed the liquid as it cools. If you put 2 tablespoons by the next day it thickens up like pudding. Some people might like that.