Turkish Hot Drink Varieties | Mint Lemon and Milk Sahlep
What do Turks drink on cold winter days, this video is about Traditional Turkish hot drinks
The first hot drink I want to introduce to you is mint lemon
ingredients can be dried mint, ground mint in powder form
lemon, orange, half quince leaf
1 dried clove, black seed
ginger powder, black pepper
purified water, these ingredients are enough for 3 glasses of drink
these ingredients vary according to the person's wishes, some people just make mint and lemon
I want to share some intricacies in a simple drink like mint lime
first wash the lemon and you need to peel the yellow part of the skin very thinly.
The white parts should not be used to avoid scab pain
Peel the outer skin of the orange in the same way
pour cold water and mix and add to the strainer so change the water
Add cloves, grind black pepper, ginger and black cumin
Those who have a sore throat, cough, and cold during flu season definitely make this drink.
Especially Nigella has an essential oil when you use it, crush it and add it immediately.
I don't want it to be too bitter if you want your throat to burn you can increase the ginger and black pepper
add dried mint

Cut the ends of the lemon and cut into two thick slices in the middle,
If you are going to make 1 glass, 1 thin slice will be enough, too much lemon will be very sour
cut off the white skin of the lemon
peel the orange and add
now you can boil the drink, boil it over medium or high heat
Add mint powder and mix it, these are the heavily fragrant mints that we collect from the garden and dry and grind
no need to boil the drink too much turn off the fire 1 minute after boiling
You can add it to the glass immediately with a small strainer, it is added to the glass bowl to see the color
If you are going to add strained honey, add it at the end, it must be below 80 degrees, it is harmful to add while boiling.
You can drink it without adding honey, it will taste sweet when you add 1 orange.
mint lemon is made in this way or by adding other things, we can say according to the materials in the house
Another winter drink I want to introduce is sahlep
It is very difficult to find original salep powder, it was sold in herbalists, but it is not available now.
They said global warming, climate change and unconscious consumption endanger the lineage of orchids
1000 orchids are needed to produce 1 kilogram of salep powder, these are Antalya orchids.
You can use milk and powdered cinnamon as well as some cinnamon sticks to make sahlep.
It contains sugar, milk powder, starch, lactose thickener and some flavors, so we can say that salep powder is 1 in a thousand.
1 dessert spoon is added for 1 glass to get the desired slightly solid consistency.
Add a little cold milk and stir, if there is lumpiness, you can remove it this way.
Add 1 glass of milk and boil while stirring over medium heat, if you don't mix it may stick to the bottom and burn
after boiling, repeat 3 times and the hot drink is ready
heat the glass and add the hot salep drink, attention is too hot, it needs to be drunk slowly
add cinnamon powder on it and enjoy your meal
There are other beverages we drink in winter, I hope I can show them in a separate video #hotdrinks #mintandlemon #sahlep

00:00 video intro
0:10 mint lemon ingredients
00:59 mint lemon making
3:59 mint lemon presentation
4:48 salep ingredients
5:32 salep drink making
7:08 salep presentation