LIVE mental health discussion WEEK 6
Join our editor Cara Houchen and The Burnt Chef Project Founder, Kris Hall, for a six-week series focusing on mental health in the hospitality industry. We will be streaming our Live from our Facebook page on 2/12/20 at 4:45!
Week 6: Mark Reynolds, Exec Chef, Tottenham Hotspur
Mark will be discussing:
- Recognising team members that are struggling.
- Utilising help whether it be support groups, colleagues, family, helplines or even someone you never thought about talking to.
- Knowing how to manage staff as individuals not necessarily as a team which has its challenges when he has up to 225 chefs.
- Furlough and post redundancy care for your team.
- Support from the craft of chefs with the new app and mentor scheme supported by Chris Galvin