Salted Caramel Sauce Recipe Without Heavy Cream!
Caramel Sauce Recipe without heavy cream!
Learn how to make caramel sauce using just sugar and water. No cream or butter required. Lots of people find the idea of making caramel scary, but this method is simple and you don't need any special equipment like a thermometer. Just follow the tips in the video, and you can't go wrong!

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Emma Fontanella
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Caramel Recipe in grams:

- 250 gr Sugar
- 75 gr Water

Add at the end:

- 90 gr Warm Water
-1 tsp of Salt

Important and interesting facts about caramel:

◘ Do NOT taste the caramel when hot. Allow it to cool before tasting.

◘ When the caramel has turned an amber color it can burn within seconds. Do not walk away.

◘ More water is added at the end otherwise the caramel will harden.

◘ The amount of water you add at the end will determine how loose or how thick your caramel will be. For a looser caramel add more water. For a thicker sauce add less water at the end.


Caramel Recipe in cups:

- 1 1/4 cups Sugar
- 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp Water

Add at the end:

- 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp Warm Water
- 1 tsp of Salt

Important and interesting facts about caramel:

◘ Do NOT taste the caramel when hot. Allow it to cool before tasting.

◘ When the caramel has turned an amber color it can burn within seconds. Do not walk away.

◘ More water is added at the end otherwise the caramel will harden.

◘ The amount of water you add at the end will determine how loose or how thick your caramel will be. For a looser caramel add more water. For a thicker sauce add less water at the end.
