How to make Caramel Macchiato/ Iced Caramel Macchiato like STARBUCKS at home | Yummylicious
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I had never made starbucks on yummylicious before but recently I went to starbucks and noticed how easy it is to make at home. Just few pre requisits like Vanilla syrup, caramel syrup, caramel sauce and viola your favorite drinks could b easily made at home. So I started with making the most easy espresso drink which is Caramel Macchiato. It also has a variant, Iced Caramel Macchiato which is as good as hot so made both.
In this recipe we are going to make Vanilla syrup and caramel sauce along with caramel macchito.
This recipe has 3 steps :
1. Vanilla syrup
2. Caramel sauce
3. Caramel Macchiato / Iced Caramel Macchiato

Let's begin with the process :

Step 1: Vanilla Syrup

- Sugar (2/3 Cup)
- Brown Sugar (1/3 Cup)
( If brown sugar is not available you can skip it but you won't get same colored vanilla syrup as starbucks instead you will get a clear vanilla syrup )
- Water (1 Cup)
- Boil until reduced half
-Turn off the heat
- Vanilla extract (1/2 Tsp)
( You can put more if you like but I feel more than this interferes in the final taste of coffee )
- Pour it in some jar and store it
- You can use this vanilla syrup in many starbucks recipes or cold coffees

Step 2 : Caramel Sauce

- Sugar (1/2 Cup)
- Cook until it reaches amber color / caramel color
- Add Fresh Cream (1/4 Cup)
- Mix till it is well incorporated
- It will become extremely bubbly and steamy but don't worry in a min or two it will be mixed properly
- Add Butter (2 Tbsp)
- Mix until well combined
- Pour in a squeezy bottle to pour it with ease on the top

Step 3 :
Caramel Macchiato :

- Milk (1 Cup)
- Use milk frother to steam milk / create foam
- Blend until 20-30% foam is formed
- FYI you can use this milk frother to create a great coffee experience everyday so I feel this is a very handy product and I love it.
- In a mug,
- Add Vanilla Syrup ( 1 Tbsp)
- Starbucks puts 2 pumps which approximately equals 1 Tbsp
( 1 pump = 1/2 Tbsp)
- Pour both Milk & foam in the cup
( keep some space for 2 espresso shots )
- Pour 2 espresso shots
( If espresso is not available, please dissolve 1 tsp instant coffee powder in 2 tbsp water )
- Pour caramel sauce on it
- Starbucks has a fixed pattern. So make 2 circles and 5 slanted lines vertically and horizontally)
- So your fav caramel macchiato is here .. Enjoy ..

Step 3 : Alternative
Iced Caramel Macchiato

-In a tall glass
- Add Vanilla Syrup (1 & 1/2 Tbsp)
( Starbucks puts 3 pumps (1 pump = 1/2 tbsp ))
- Ice Cubes (1 Cup)
- Milk ( 1 Cup)
( Milk should either on room temperature or cold )
- Pour 2 espresso shots very slowly
- Pouring slowly will create that layered effect
- If espresso is not available, dissolve 2 tsp instant coffee powder in 1/4 cup water.
- Pour caramel sauce on it
- Create a patter like starbucks - 2 circles and 5 slanted lines vertically & horizontally
- And viola ... Iced Caramel Macchiato is also ready.
- Enjoy this soothing drink and don't forget to share it with your friends to let them know how easy it is to make starbucks coffee at home.