Egg Ham Scramble Breakfast
How to make egg ham scramble recipe for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner or for any time when you're hungry . The recipe is very easy to make and very tasty. I just made the recipe for my family for breakfast today and everyone loves it. If you like eating egg or ham and like recipes that are easy to make, you shouldn't miss making this menu. Don't miss a recipe! Please subscribe to totikky tikky Youtube Channel. Thank you very much!
#egg #ham breakfast
Egg Ham Scramble Breakfast Recipe
2 tsp butter
2 eggs
100 g diced yellow onion
100 g diced ham
1 tsp cooking oil
A little salt
A little seasoning powder
A little black pepper
1 tsp chopped coriander
60 g grate cheddar cheese
1 slice toast

How to do please watch the video.