Street Food, at Home: Spicy 'Freestyle' Fries (贵阳怪噜洋芋)
Freestyle fries, i.e. Guailu Yangyu! A classic from the Guizhou province, you can find vendors frying up these fries from street corner to street corner in Guiyang.

Written recipe is over here on /r/CasualChina if you prefer recipes in Reddit-form:


1. Yukon Gold Potatoes, ~3, 550g. Russets are also ok, but can more easily make the sauce gloopy if overcooked.

2. Sauce: 2 tbsp kimchi liquid, 2 tbsp water, 1.5 tbsp dark Chinese vinegar (陈醋/香醋), 1 tbsp light soy sauce (生抽), 1 tbsp toasted sesame oil (麻油), 1 tbsp chili powder (辣椒面) -or- cayenne pepper, 1 tsp Sichuan Peppercorn oil (花椒油), 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp MSG (味精). If you do happen to lacto-ferment your own vegetables in the Guizhou or Sichuan manner, use 4 tbsp of that liquid and up the chili powder quantity to 1.5 tbsp.

3. Herbs: 15g scallion (葱), 15g cilantro (香菜), 40g pickled daikon (酸萝卜) -or- gherkins, 25g fishwort (鱼腥草/折耳根) -or- 15g fishwort leaves -or- however much cilantro root you can get your hands on -or- skip this. Some Vietnamese grocers seem to carry the leaves of the fishwort plant. Don't obsess though, skip if you can't find it.

If you're curious as to how to make a Sichuan-style pickled vegetable, the always excellent blog ChinaSichuanFood has a recipe for you (we'll cover it one day):


1. Slice the potatoes into 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch sticks, using a crinkle cut knife if possible.

2. Rinse the potatoes, soak for at least 30 minutes.

3. While soaking, chop the herbs and mix together the sauce.

4. Remove the fries, pat dry.

5. Pour ~1/2 inch of oil into a non-stick skillet (cast iron or carbon steel is also good) - if you use the largest skillet possible, you can avoid doing two batches. Heat the oil up to 120C, or until it's just barely bubbling around a pair of chopsticks, and add in the fries. Fry for ~6 minutes at 100-120C over a medium/medium high flame, or until the fries are just barely cooked through (translucent, but not falling apart).

6. Move to a mixing bowl. Add the sauce and herbs and mix well.

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Outro Music: คิดถึงคุณจัง by ธานินทร์ อินทรเทพ
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