Resepi :

- 100g kuaci (disangai tanpa minyak sehingga sedikit rangup)
- 100g kuaci hijau (disangai tanpa minyak sehingga sedikit rangup)
- 200g hirisan badam (disangai tanpa minyak sehingga sedikit rangup)
- 5 biji putih telur saiz gred B (berat putih telur = 174g)
- 53 g ( 4 + 2/3 sudu makan bumbun) tepung superfine/tepung gandum yang diayak
- 150g ( 3/4 cawan) gula kastor
- 64g mentega (dicairkan)
- 1/2 sudu teh esen vanilla
- 10g bijan hitam

Cara bakar :

1. Bakar pada suhu 160C , selama 20 minit. Rak paling tengah, api atas bawah, saya tak on fan sebab xde.
2. Selepas 10 minit pertama, pusingkan tray supaya biskut masak sekata
3. Selepas 20 minit, keluarkan biskut ,potong kepada petak-petak kecil dan alihkan
4. Sambung bakar cookies selama 15 minit pada suhu yg sama sehingga keperangan.

english recipe//


- 100g of kuaci (roasted)
- 100g green cauliflower (roasted)
- 200g sliced ​​almonds (roasted)
- 5 grade B egg whites (total egg white's weight = 174g)
- 53 g (4 + 2/3 tablespoon) superfine flour/sifted wheat flour
- 150g (3/4 cup) castor sugar
- 64g butter (melted)
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
- 10g black sesame seeds

How to bake:

1. Bake at 160C, for 20 minutes. The middle shelf, top bottom heat, (no fan for me coz my oven have no fan function)
2. After the first 10 minutes, rotate the tray so that the biscuits cook evenly
3. After 20 minutes, remove the biscuits, cut into small squares and flip them over
4. Continue to bake the cookies for 15 minutes at the same temperature until browned.