Home Cooking with Foodland: Eggs Benedict and Kir Royale cocktail
Join Chef Keoni in his home kitchen as he demonstrates how to make Eggs Benedict and Kir Royale for Mother’s Day.

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Ingredients and Instructions:

Eggs Benedict
Serves 4

For Quick Hollandaise:

• 2 egg yolks
• 1 tablespoon lemon juice or high quality white wine vinegar
• 2 blocks (8oz) butter, melted
• Salt and cayenne pepper, to taste
• Tabasco sauce, to taste


1. Vigorously whisk the egg yolks and lemon juice together in a stainless steel bowl and lightly whip to bring together.
2. Place the bowl over a saucepan containing barely simmering water, making sure the water does not touch the bottom of the bowl. Continue to whisk rapidly until the mixture is thickened and doubled in volume. Be careful not to let the eggs get too hot or they will scramble.
3. Slowly drizzle in the melted butter and continue to whisk until the sauce is thickened and the butter is incorporated. Remove from heat, whisk in salt, cayenne and tabasco.
4. Cover and place in a warm spot until ready to use for the eggs benedict. If the sauce gets too thick, whisk in a few drops of warm water before serving.

For Poached Eggs:

• 1 gallon water
• 2 cups distilled white vinegar
• 8 large eggs

1. Fill a pot with the gallon of water. Add white vinegar to the water. Bring to a simmer.
2. Swirl the water and gently crack 1 of the eggs into the water taking care not to break the yolk. Repeat with remaining eggs. Reduce the heat to a gentle simmer.
3. Cook 3-1/2 minutes until the egg white is set and yolk remains soft. Remove with a slotted spoon, allowing the egg to drain.

For Benedict:

• 4 English muffins, split, toasted and buttered
• 16 slices of Canadian bacon, or other lean sliced ham
• 8 poached eggs
• 1-1/2 cups Hollandaise sauce
• Optional: Paprika for garnish, fresh fruit salad.

1. Lay two halves of English muffin on a plate, cut side up. On each, place two slices of Canadian bacon and 1 poached egg.
2. Generously sauce them with the hollandaise and then a dash of paprika.
3. Garnish each dish with fresh fruit salad, if desired.

Kir Royale
Serves 6

• 6 teaspoons Creme de Cassis or Framboise
• 1 bottle Champagne or high quality brut sparkling wine

1. Place 1 teaspoon of creme de cassis in a champagne flute.
2. Top with Champagne.
3. Notes: Directions are meant as a general guide. Chef Keoni may improvise slightly during class.