How to make whole-wheat egg pasta without machine
You cannot compare fresh homemade pasta to the commercial pasta you buy off the supermarket shelves. A lot of people are surprised how simple pasta actually is to make and only requiring two ingredients (plus maybe a little water). Because it’s freshly made, you can cook much faster too, 2-3 minutes in salted boiling water. Once you try fresh pasta, there’s simply no turning back, fresh pasta simply rocks!

This pappardelle pasta recipe uses whole-wheat flour, not only for health benefits, but I also feel it tastes better having that pleasing nutty taste.

There’s no pasta machine required although if you do own one, of course you can use it. Otherwise a rolling pin is all you need plus a little extra elbow grease.

Every flour is different, some require more hydration than others depending on type and age, so you will need to add a little water but the amount can vary. Water will also make the dough softer so it’s easier to roll. If using a pasta machine, you can use less.

Make extra and freeze it, it may take a minute more to cook and it will taste just as good. Best way is to sprinkle semolina, place loosely and separated on a large tray and freeze. Once frozen store in smaller freezer bags.

Now you can enjoy making homemade pasta dough from scratch, watch video and see my next recipe for this pasta.

▶ See recipe here

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