Hi, assalamualaikum semua. Harini saya nak share resepi Sambal Tumis Telur Rebus yang sangat simple, cepat dan sedap.Sepantas kilat je siap! Resepi ni sesuai kalau kita nak masak dengan cepat tapi sedap.Tak payah nak kisar bawang , cili dan etc, sebab semua tu ambil masa. Untuk resepi kali ni, saya gunakan MAGGI Pes Sambal Tumis. Pes ni berbeza dengan cili boh sebab ia dibuat dari bawang segar dan cili terpilih.Jadi ia sangat cepat pecah minyak . So, memang #gerentimenjadi korang punya Sambal Tumis tu nanti!

#MAGGIsambaltumis #gerentimenjadi #masakbersamaMAGGI

Resepi :

2 pek MAGGI Pes Sambal Tumis (60g/pek)
6 biji telur rebus yang digoreng
⅓ cawan air
¼ cawan air asam jawa
1 sudu makan sos tiram
1 sudu makan sos cili
1 biji bawang besar

English recipe//

Hi, assalamualaikum everyone. Today I want to share a recipe for Sambal Tumis Telur Rebus which is very simple, fast and delicious. As fast as lightning, it's ready! This recipe is suitable if we want a quick but delicious meal. You don't have to grind onions, chillies etc, because it all takes time. For this recipe, I use MAGGI Pes Sambal Tumis. This paste is different from regular chilli paste because it is made from fresh onions and selected chillies so it breaks down oil very quickly. So, it's #gerentimenjadi that you have a delicious Sambal Tumis later!

#MAGGIsambaltumis #gerentimenjadi #masakbersamaMAGGI


2 packs of MAGGI Pes Sambal Tumis (60g/pack)
6 fried boiled eggs
⅓ cup of water
¼ cup of tamarind water
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tablespoon chili sauce
1 large onion