Asian Mullask in Oyster Sauce: Stir Fry.
For seafood lovers. Here is one simple & quick cooking that you can make. Enjoy.
Below are the list of Ingredients: Again, thru the courtesy of our dedicated viewer Mr. Michael Taylor for taking time to type those list. So you can COPY-PASTE-PRINT the same. Let's Thank him for this.
List of Ingredients: **created by HAPPY WOK **
1 pound -- Asian sea mollusks (seafood)
2 Tbsp --- cooking oil
1 Tbsp --- ginger (minced)
1 Tbsp --- garlic (minced)
2 Tbsp --- rice wine (for drizzle)
2 Tbsp --- oyster sauce
1/2 cup -- water
2 stalks -- green onion (cut 2 inches in length)