Hi, assalamualaikum semua. Harini saya nak share resepi Sambal Tumis Sardin yang sangatsimple, cepat dan sedap.Sepantas kilat je siap! Resepi ni sesuai kalau kita nak masak dengancepat tapi sedap.Tak payah nak kisar bawang , cili dan etc, sebab semua tu ambil masa. Untuk
resepi kali ni, saya gunakan MAGGI Pes Sambal Tumis. Pes ni berbeza dengan cili boh sebabia dibuat dari bawang segar dan cili terpilih.Jadi ia sangat cepat pecah minyak . So, memang #gerentimenjadi korang punya Sambal Tumis Sardin tu nanti!

Jom join contest Pencarian Raja & Ratu Sambal Tumis! Cuma cari partner korang ataupun join secara individu dan share gambar/video masak resipi kreatif anda menggunakan MAGGI Pes Sambal Tumis. Jangan lupa include #RajaRatuSambalTumis dan tag @maggi.malaysia tau.
Anda boleh menang up to RM5,000 & peluang untuk menyerlahkan bakat anda di TV Nasional!

Cepat cepat join sekarang! ( Tarikh contest : 31 Ogos 2021 - 11 Oktober 2021)

#RajaRatuSambalTumis #MaggiSambalTumis #GerentiMenjadi

Resepi :

- 2 pek MAGGI Pes Sambal Tumis (60g/pek)
- 425g Sardin dalam tin bersama kuahnya
- 1 biji bawang besar
- 5 biji cili api thai
- ¼ cawan air asam jawa
- 2 sudu teh gula
- 1 sudu teh secukup rasa

English recipe//

Hi, assalamualaikum everyone. Today I want to share Sambal Tumis Sardine’s recipe which is very simple, fast and delicious. As fast as lightning, it's ready! This recipe is suitable if we want a quick but delicious meal. You don't have to grind onions, chillies etc, because it all takes time. For this recipe, I use MAGGI Pes Sambal Tumis. This paste is different from regular chilli paste because it is made from fresh onions and selected chillies so it breaks down oil very quickly. So, it's #gerentimenjadi that you have a delicious Sambal Tumis Sardine later!

Let's join the Pencarian Raja & Ratu Sambal Tumis contest! Join as a pair or individually and share your creative recipe cooking video using MAGGI Pes Sambal Tumis. Don't forget to include #RajaRatuSambalTumisMAGGI and tag @maggi.malaysia ok. You can win up to RM5,000 & a chance to showcase your talent on National TV!

Hurry up and join now! (Contest’s date : 31st August 2021 - 11th October 2021)

#RajaRatuSambalTumis #MaggiSambalTumis #GerentiMenjadi


- 2 packs of MAGGI Pes Sambal Tumis (60g/pack)
- 425g Canned sardines with it’s gravy
- 1 large onion
- 5 thai bird eye chillies
- ¼ cup of tamarind juice
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp seasoning