Hi, assalamualaikum semua. Hari ni saya nak share resepi tauhu lembut (silky tofu) bersama telur yang dimasak dengan cara yg agak unik bersama kuah merah yang sedikit pedas , ala-ala sup merah pedas, di mana saya dapat idea ini dari resepi Mapo Tofu. Cuma saya olah menggunakan tauhu lembut dan telur dan saya skip part tepung jagung.Jadi kuahnya taklah pekat, dan ala-ala sup gitu.

Resepi :

- 300g tauhu lembut (silky tofu)
- 2 biji telur
- 1/2 inci halia
- 3 ulas bawang putih
- 100g daging kisar
- 1 kiub pati ayam + 1 cawan air panas
- 1 sudu makan kicap cair
- 1 sudu teh kicap pekat manis
- 1 sudu teh cuka masakan
- 1 sudu teh gula pasir
- 1 sudu makan taucu
- 1 sudu makan cili kisar/boh
- serbuk lada hitam (optional, tapi tambah lg sedap)
- hirisan daun bawang

english recipe//

Hi, assalamualaikum everyone. Today I want to share a soft tofu recipe (silky tofu) with eggs cooked in a rather unique way with a slightly spicy red gravy a.k.a spicy red soup, where I got this idea from the Mapo Tofu recipe but I used silky tofu and eggs and I skipped the corn flour part. So the broth is not thick, and it's texture is more like a soup.


- 300g soft tofu (silky tofu)
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 inch ginger
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 100g minced meat
- 1 cube of chicken stock + 1 cup of hot water
- 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon of sweet soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon of cooking vinegar
- 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon beanpaste
- 1 tablespoon ground chilli/chilli paste
- black pepper powder (optional)
- chopped scallion