Nothing Compares to Duck Fat Roast Potatoes
No oil or butter compares to duck fat roast potatoes.

These duck fat roasted potatoes are the best you will taste in your life! Once you start using duck fat, there’s no coming back!

When it comes to roast potatoes, you cannot beat the flavour made with duck fat. They are crunchy, creamy inside with a deep golden brown colour. They simply just taste better! You can buy the duck fat, or better still use the left-over fat from your duck roast. You could also poach a duck and scoop the fat, that sets on the surface once cold. I personally love the roast duck fat, as it has a more complex roasted duck flavour.

Now if you’re concerned about health, duck fat has a higher percentage of mono-unsaturated fat than saturated fat. Mono unsaturated fats can actually help to lower cholesterol. It’s a healthier option.

Duck fat also has a high smoking point, which allows you to cook at higher temperatures, without smoking out the kitchen.

To help with the crunch, I like to scrape the raw potato pieces using a fork and create groves for more texture. This recipe uses baking powder to help soften the outer edge of the potato. This soft part is what makes the potato crunchy and delish. I also like to add some herbs to the cooking water, so they are infused with flavour. Once, almost cooked, they are tossed into a colander to help them fluff up even more.

You can cut the potatoes how you like, but if you have more sides, just keep turning them over in the oven every 15 minutes or less.