3 chili-laced stir fries to devour over rice.
0:00 - Introduction
0:42 - Grandmother Vegetable
3:04 - Shredded Pork & Eggs
6:05 - Braised Tofu Puffs
8:09 - Other Hunanese dishes to eat with rice?


So first up, sourcing. This sort of stuff *should* be available to you at your local Chinese supermarket, but unfortunately online this was all I could: https://www.amazon.com/TUDOU-LaXiaodong-Grandmas-Xiangxi-Appetizer/dp/B09BR5MLS3/

Prohibitively expensive, I know. The 'similar product' I listed from Weee is here, but know that we've never tried this product ourselves. It could be quite heavily seasoned, so do season by taste if using: https://www.sayweee.com/en/product/JXJ-Meal-Partner-Spicy-Pickles/39207

For the edamame, frozen would also work brilliantly.

* Aromatics: Garlic, 2 cloves, minced; Ginger, 1 cm, minced
* Fresh chili peppers, 6 (preferably serranos, but use what's local to you), sliced
* Grandmother vegetable (外婆菜), 125g
* Soy sauce (生抽), 1 tsp
* Peeled edamame (毛豆), 150g
* Seasoning for the edamame: salt, 1/4 tsp; sugar, 1/4 tsp; white pepper powder, 1/8 tsp; MSG (味精) ~1/16 tsp


If using edamame, first give it a blanch. If using frozen edamame, a quick two minutes to heat it up should be enough; if using fresh edamame, give it at least seven minutes for it to cook through.

For the stir fry, first longyau with about a tablespoon of oil, then fry the aromatics over a low flame. Once fragrant, ~30 seconds, add in the fresh chili peppers. Continue to fry for another ~30 seconds.

Up the flame to high, and add the grandmother vegetable. You want to toast out the sourness of the chilis, which takes a bit, ~2-3 minutes of stir-frying. Once it's no longer sour tasting, swirl in the soy sauce.

If adding the edamame, add it. Swap the flame to medium, fry for another minute. Season and mix.


This one *is* our 'western supermarket friendly' dish of the three, so a few notes.

First, I know we borderline cheated with the green garlic at the end, as it's not usually supermarket available. Like I said in the video, feel free to sub for scallion.

Same deal with the chilis - you want two hot chilis, and six medium chilis. Bird's eye would be phenomenal for the first bit, and serranos for the second. That said, if you want to work from a combination of habaneros for your hot and jalapenos for your medium... go for it.

Lastly, we season with MSG. MSG is western supermarket available under the brand 'Accent'.

* Eggs, 3
* Seasoning for the eggs: salt, 1/4 tsp
* Aromatics: Garlic, 2 cloves, minced; Ginger, 1 cm, minced; Hot chilis - we used Heaven Facing (朝天椒) - 2; sliced
* Soy sauce (生抽), 1 tsp
* Fresh chili peppers, 6 (preferably serranos, but use what's local), sliced
* Seasoning: salt, 1/4 tsp; sugar, 1/4 tsp; white pepper powder, 1/8 tsp; MSG (味精), ~1/16 tsp
* Green garlic (蒜苗) -or- scallions (葱), 20g, cut into 1 inch sections


Longyau with ~3 tbsp of oil, then over a high flame fry the eggs. Let them quickly puff up, then after about one minute, cut them apart and flip. Let them cook for another minute on the other side, then break them up into about once inch chunks. Fry for a minute or two until the pieces are blistered, then season with salt. Reserve.

Longyau with another ~2 tbsp of oil, then over a high flame add in the shredded pork. Cook 2-3 minutes, only mixing every 30 seconds or so, in order to let the pork brown. Then scooch the pork up the side of the wok, add in another tablespoon of oil, and swap the flame to low. Add in the aromatics, fry until fragrant (~30 seconds), recombine with the pork. Add in the egg. Quick mix, then pour the soy sauce around the sides of the wok.

Add in the chili peppers. Quick fry, then season. Add in the green garlic/scallion. Quick mix.


Hunan Chopped Chilis are not available online, but should be available at most Chinese supermarkets. Guizhou Zaolajiao ("Pickled Chili") would be a great sub: https://www.yamibuy.com/en/p/laoganma-pickled-chili-750g/1021045731

* Tofu puffs (油豆腐), 200g
* Aromatics: Garlic, 2 cloves, minced; Ginger, 1 cm, minced
* Hunan Chopped Chili -or- Guizhou "Pickled Chili" -or- Sambal Oelek, 1 tbsp
* Chili powder, 1/2 tbsp
* Fresh chili peppers, 6, sliced (2 used near the start, 4 near the end)
* Liaojiu, a.k.a. Shaoxing wine (料酒/绍酒), 1 tbsp
* Soy sauce (生抽), 1 tsp
* Dark soy sauce (老抽), 1/2 tsp
* Water, 1/4 cup
* Seasoning: salt, 1/4 tsp; sugar, 1/4 tsp; white pepper powder, 1/8 tsp; MSG (味精), ~1/16 tsp
* Green garlic (蒜苗) -or- scallions (葱), 20g, cut into 1 inch sections
Blanch the tofu puffs for two minutes, then run under cool water & squeeze out the excess liquid. Fry ala 7:41 (apologies, ran out of space here)
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Outro Music: คิดถึงคุณจัง by ธานินทร์ อินทรเทพ
Found via My Analog Journal (great channel): https://youtu.be/GHaL5H-VYRg