Aiskrim Potong Neopolitan Guna Kotak Je, Tanpa Acuan
Hi, assalamualaikum semua! Harini saya nak share 1 resepi Aiskrim Potong Neopolitan menggunakan kotak je, tak perlu acuan aiskrim bagai. 1 adunan aiskrim boleh menghasilkan 10 - 13 batang aiskrim . 1 kotak cream menghasilkan 2 adunan aiskrim.

Resepi :

- 500ml whipping cream
- 160ml susu pekat manis
- 3 sudu makan serbuk koko
- perasa strawberi
- pewarna merah jambu
* Tekstur aiskrim berbeza mengikut teknik putaran krim. Stiff peak = aiskrim creamy, soft peak = aiskrim less creamy + berais
english recipe//


- 500ml whipping cream
- 160ml sweetened condensed milk
- 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
- artificial Strawberry flavor
- Pink food colouring

* The texture of ice cream varies according to the cream's whisking technique. Stiff peak = creamy ice cream, soft peak = less creamy + icy ice cream