If you have potatoes, eggs, and cheese, come and make a simple breakfast with me
If you have potatoes, eggs, and cheese, come and make a simple breakfast with me.
270 g leftover boiled potatoes
30 g spring onions
30 g bacon
3 eggs
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp chicken seasoning powder
A little ground pepper
A little Italian seasoning powder
60 g grated cheddar cheese
2 tbsp olive oil

1.Mix eggs, salt, chicken seasoning powder, ground pepper, Italian seasoning powder together.
2.Add the oil in a pan and wait until it is hot.
3.Sauté the potatoes with bacon and spring onions until hot.
4.Pour in the egg mixture.
5.Cook the eggs and all ingredients for about 6 minutes on low heat.
6.Serve this dish with ketchup or chili sauce. It will be very tasty