Egg and Cheese Sandwich for Dinner
Learn how to make sandwich for dinner. The recipe is for people who like to cook simple dishes that do not take much time. I recommend this recipe. No matter what time you cook it, it's delicious every time.
2 slices of bread
60 g cooked turkey slices
60 g of cheese
1/8 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. chicken broth powder
A little bit of Italian seasoning
a pinch of ground garlic
a little ground pepper
30 g butter

1. Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl.
2. Season with salt, chicken broth powder, Italian seasoning powder, ground garlic and ground pepper.
3. Beat eggs and seasoning until combined.
4. Melt the butter on over medium heat.
5. Pour in the egg mixture.
6. Place in the bread and wait until the eggs are almost cooked.
7. Flip the egg over.
8. Place in the cheese, cooked turkey slices and cheese.
9. Fold the egg in half and wait until the sandwich is cooked.
10. Cut the sandwich as you like. Serve this dish while it's still warm. Delicious!

#sandwich #egg #cheese