Bologna creamy scrambled eggs with Rice
My recipe that I have made to recommend to everyone today is Bologna Scrambled Eggs with Rice. This menu does not prepare a lot of ingredients. There are few steps to do. Anyone who is new to cooking will be able to follow the video. If you are looking for rice and egg dishes You have stopped in the right place.
Bologna creamy scrambled eggs with rice recipe
2 eggs
1 tbsp milk
100 g Bologna, diced
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 tsp chopped parsley for garnish
30 g butter
A little salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp cooking oil
1 cup cooked rice

1. In a bowl, beat eggs with milk, salt and pepper until well combined.
2.In a pan, saute the garlic with cooking oil.
3. Add bologna and stir until it hot.
4. Add butter, wait until the butter melts.
5. Add the beaten eggs, stir until the eggs are set.
6. Place the cooked rice on a plate. Place the scrambled eggs on top of the rice. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. Served with ketchup and mayonnaise. Enjoy!

#scrambledeggs #eggs #rice