Chinese New Orleans Chicken Wings
New Orleans Chicken, a Chinese dish that is absolutely 100% not from New Orleans...

... or is it?

The plot thickens.

0:00 - The Conundrum of New Orleans Chicken
1:13 - Finding the Source of the Wings
2:17 - A Totally Legit Origin Story
3:19 - Making the Spice Mix
5:04 - Making the Chicken Wings
6:15 - Steph's Evaluation of the Totally-Legit-Origin-Story


* Chicken wings, 20 flats or drumettes (the bags we get here are just flats), or 10 whole wings, sliced into flats and drumettes

For the marinade:
* Paprika (甜红椒粉), 1 tbsp
* Salt, 1 tbsp
* Sugar, 1 tbsp
* Chicken bouillon powder (鸡粉), 1 tbsp
* Onion powder (洋葱粉), ½ tsp
* Garlic powder (大蒜粉), 1/8 tsp
* White pepper powder (白胡椒粉), ¼ tsp
* MSG (味精), ¼ tsp
* Red yeast rice (红曲), ½ tsp -or- 1 drop red velvet food coloring -or- skip this
* Turmeric (姜黄粉), 1 tsp
* Optional: Ethyl Maltol (乙基麦芽酚), just a sprinkle – we didn’t use this because we personally do not enjoy the taste of this ingredient
* Water, 1-2 tbsp

To bake:

* Baking soda (苏打粉), ½ tsp
* Oil, 2 tbsp
* Glaze of one part oil (~1 tbsp) to two parts honey (~2 tbsp)


Mix the ingredients for the marinade in with the chicken wings, really massaging the marinade into the chicken, ~2-3 minutes. Cover, and marinate in the fridge for at least 8 hours, or ideally over 24.

After that time, mix in the half teaspoon baking soda, and let that sit for 30-60 minutes. Then, mix in the oil. Transfer over to a baking tray, bake for 20 minutes at 210C (410F).

Brush on half your glaze, then bake for another two minutes. Remove, flip the wings, brush on the other half of your glaze, and bake for a final two minutes. Remove, rest for a couple minutes, then devour.

Picture of Bourbon Street in the beginning is courtesy of Chris Litherland.

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Outro Music: คิดถึงคุณจัง by ธานินทร์ อินทรเทพ
Found via My Analog Journal (great channel):