Turkish Doner Kebap Original Leaf Doner Detailed Recipe
which part of the original Turkish leaf doner kebab is prepared
how the meat is cut and prepared
how big meat slices are marinated with what materials
stage of doner kebab placement
cooking stage of doner kebab
5 different ways of serving the rotary kebab
we will show you how to make the best doner kebab in this video gradually and in detail
Doner kebab is made only in the back of the cattle in Turkey.
the meat at the back butt is removed properly
the roast portion of the beef is removed first
the meats are separated and removed as a whole
A donkey kebab of 30 kilograms will be prepared
I just want to show you the meat from the 1 back
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now I pass to the part where the meats are opened in the form of large leaves
the meats were removed from their places in large and large pieces
hard nervous pieces around the meat are cut with a knife
it just has to be meat and it has to be the best part of the meat
oily parts can stay a little inconvenient
need to use thin long and sharp knife
leaf-shaped pieces are carefully removed
The thinner the meat pieces the more beautiful the doner kebab will be
I guess the technique used to open wide pieces
you can cook this meat in the pan in this way
I would like to show you the elegance and beauty of meat in detail
it is necessary to keep the meat in plenty of liquid sunflower oil
fat is added into a large steel container and meats are added in layers
meats will wait at least 1 week in this cabinet at 1 degree in the cabinet
You can keep 0 degrees of meat in this way for 1 month, it will be very soft
liquid sunflower oil is added to cover
it is covered with stretch film
25 kilograms of meat will be used only 5 kilograms of animal fat to be used
the remaining portion of the meat will continue to be 2 people
now I want to show you an error made while preparing doner kebab
do not crush the meats in this way using an iron
this is a mistake because the oppressed meat will lose its flavor
2 cups in this way, ready to grease all of the meat and wait in the cupboard
please take care not to get in the air
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we wait for 1 week in meat cabinet and then go to the stage of preparation of marine louse
4 liters of liquid sunflower oil was used for 25 kilograms of meat
7 bottles of natural mineral water used mineral water
 10 red pepper capsules
half a cup of grape juice
15 medium onions were used
250 grams of salt was used for 25 kilograms of meat
3.5 kilograms of yoghurt was used
remove the seeds of caprose peppers and machine them very thinly
peppers need to be crushed until the water comes out
pass the peeled onions through the machine in very thin pail
onions need to be crushed until the water comes out
add yogurt to the mixing bowl and stir 1 turn
add the mineral water and mix
add the excess oil in the meat into this mixture
adjust your joint to be in soup consistency
add crushed onions and pepper to the pan
Add 250 grams of salt and add grape cress
stir thoroughly and prepare to add the meats
we dunk meat pieces into prepared marine moss
you need to be sure that the meat is completely sour
the meats will wait at least 3 days in this moss and the process of softening will be completed
you need to close it and wait between 1 and 4 degrees in the cabinet
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this part of the doner kebab
we used a plastic crate to fix the steel miter upright
we placed a pointed wood at the end of the steel skewer
we place an external plate where the plate on the bottom should be bigger
this plate is needed when making a removable material and large doner kebab when needed
bottom piece round piece oil is placed
5 kilograms of animal fat. shirts were used
meat pieces are added regularly and roundly in layers
doner kebab weight 30 kg total
I publish these sections in detail before you jump in so that you can follow them in detail
preparing meals, preparing video recipes, music, and translations belonging to me
I appreciate anyone who likes videos, I do my best by doing something useful
after the donor kebab is elevated by about 10 cm, you need to shave
swinging parts are cut and taken with big swinging knives.
Refreshing every 10 centimeters
the last piece is rounded out with mold and placed on top
A 30-kilogram doner kebab will be used in a 3-part donor pod
we are setting the turn in the morning and will be cooking and cutting for 6 hours
At first it is necessary to cook slowly, slowly, the fire is important for kebab stability
After 1 hour cooking continues on high
you need to use a sharp knife to cut this doner kebab
it is easy to cut the meat doner kebab but it is very hard to cut the meat