Ikan Kukus Sambal Berlada Viral
Resepi Ikan Kukus Sambal Berlada

- 3 ekor ikan selar/kembung
- 1 biji tomato potong dadu
- hirisan daun limau purut
- cili api
- daun pisang

Sambal Berlada :

- 5 biji bawang merah kecil/2 biji bawang besdar saiz sederhana
- 5 ulas bawang putih
- 1/2 incci halia
- 8 biji cili api
- 2 biji cili merah
- 1 sudu the garam
- 1 sudu the gula
- 1/4 cawan air asam jawa

English recipe//

Steamed Fish Recipe with Peppery Sambal

- 3 yellowtail scad fish
- 1 tomato (cut into cubes)
- slices of kaffir lime leaves
- bird eye chillies
- banana leaves

Peppery Sambal:

- 5 small shallots/2 medium-sized onions
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 inch ginger
- 8 bird eye chilies
- 2 red chilies
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1/4 cup tamarind paste mixed with water