Fish fried rice is a simple dish and is usually cooked when there are leftover overnight cooked rice and leftover fried fish . It's a common breakfast meal eaten by malaysian, indonesian and singaporean. It is easy and quick to prepare. But don't worry if you dont have any leftover cooked rice. Just cook one pot of rice with with one pot of water and then, refrigerate the cooked rice for a while before cooking just to make sure it is cold and dry.


- 3 - 4 cups of cold cooked rice
- 1 - 2 cups of pulled fried fish
- 1/4 carrot (julienned)
- 3 shallots
- 2 cloves garlic
- 2 - 3 tbsp salty soy sauce
- 2 - 3 thai bird eye chillies (discard if you don't like spicy food)
- 1 tsp salt