Lemon Chicken Strips
Graving for Delicious Lemon Chicken? Here is that cooking video your been waiting for. . Using chicken breast and fresh lemon juice for the recipe. Simplified way of preparation. Enjoy. NOTE: here printable recipe, courtesy from Mr. Michael Taylor: ------------
Michael Taylor 44 minutes ago · Automatically held
List of Ingredients: ** created by HAPPY WOK ************
2 pcs ------- chicken breast (boneless skinless, sliced into strips)
Marinade: 2 Tbsp ----- light soy sauce, plus 1 Tbsp of rice wine
1 Tbsp --- each, green onion, ginger & garlic (finely minced)
For coating: --------- 1 egg plus ½ cup of corn starch
cooking oil --- as needed for deep frying (about 5 to 8 cups)
For pre mix sauce:
½ cup ------ chicken broth
¼ cup ------ lemon juice (fresh if possible)
1 Tbsp ------- each, sugar & sesame oil
1 tsp --------- corn starch
1 pinch ------- each, salt & white pepper