How To Make Vegan Brownies
Vegan Gluten Free Brownies Recipe

85g dairy free butter, I use Vitalite
170g caster sugar
150g dairy free chocolate, I use dark chocolate

Melt the above ingredients over low heat whilst stirring.

190g gluten free self raising flour. I use Doves Farm. If you don't have a gluten intolerance then use your normal flour here.
3tbs cocoa powder
1/2tsp salt
245ml dairy free milk ,I use almond milk, you can also use soya milk
1tsp vanilla extract

Add the above ingredients to a bowl then pour in melted chocolate mixture from before. Stir everything together and add 30g chocolate chip to stir through.

Pour mix into a lined 8" square tin and sprinkle over an extra 20g chocolate chips.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 20 minutes.

Remove from oven and leave to cool in tin for 30 minutes. Use the parchment paper to lift the brownies from the tin and leave on a cooling rack until completely cool.

Use a sharp knife to cut your brownies into 16 squares. Wipe your blade between each cut to yield neat slices.

If you want to really indulge after your brownies have cooled, pop one in the microwave for 20 seconds. It will be fabulously warm and gooey!

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