How to make Japanse Traditional Candy Wagashi Lotus Bon Candy
i made Japanese traditional candy Wagashi,lotus shaped sugar candy for's called "Bongashi" in Japanese.
many japanese offer bon candies before the tablet of the deceased for our ancestors during the bon season.
there is many kind(and shaped)of bon candy in japan,.and most of them are lotus.
this time,i made the lotus bon candy with rakugan.rakugan is one of japanese traditional candy consists of sugar and kind of mochi powder"kanbai-ko" or "mizinko".
the candy is sweet,and mochi flavor.

green dough
200g sugar "johakuto"
60g mochi powder"kanbaiko"
30g starch powder"katakuriko"
some syrup "shitori"

white dough
245g johakuto
70g kanbaiko
35g katakuriko
some shitori

yellow dough
105g johakuto
30g kanbaiko
15g katakuriko
some shitori

pink dough
70g johakuto
20g kanbaiko
10g katakuriko
