Easter Lamb Kebabs | Jamie Oliver
Spring is here and this lamb recipe is the perfect way to see in the new season! Marinated lamb kebabs on rosemary skewers with crisp veg all served in flatbread bowls with a dollop of minty yogurt. Such incredible flavours and no plate to wash up at the end of it - win, win!

For more lamb recipes head over to Jamieoliver.com and if you want info on the BBQ in this video click the link | http://jamieol.com/JamieBBQ

Links from the video:
Super Easy Fish Pie | http://jamieol.com/EasyFishPie
Charred Veg Salad | http://jamieol.com/charredveg
Ultimate Cheese Burger | http://jamieol.com/ultimatecheeseburger
Flatbread Recipe | http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/bread-recipes/easy-flatbreads/

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