Hi, assalamualikum semua.Harini saya nak share 1 resepi menggunakan ayam dan cendawan shiitake yg kering tu. Resepi ni nak masak guna claypot boleh, nak guna periuk nasi pun boleh.

Bahan-bahan :

Nasi Ayam :

- 2 cawan beras wangi (rendam selama 30 minit, dan basuh bersih)
- 2 1/4 cawan stok ayam (air panas + 1 kiub pati ayam)
- sedikit lemak ayam (ditumis untuk ambil minyak dari lemak ayam)
- 1/3 cawan air rendaman cendawan shiitake
- 2 ulas bawang putih ditumbuk halus

Ayam Claypot :

- 1/4 ekor ayam (saya guna bahagian thigh/peha dan saya buang tulang)
- sedikit tepung jagung
- sedikit ikan masin
- 5 biji cendawan shiitake kering (rendam dalam air panas selama 10-15 minit sehingga lembut)
- 2 sudu makan kicap cair
- 1/2 sudu teh kicap pekat manis
- 1 sudu teh minyak bijan
- 1/2 inci halia disagat
- sedikit daun bawang
- minyak masak

*Cara Masak Dalam Rice Cooker :

1. Masukkan beras yang dah ditumis bersama stok ayam dan stok cendawan, kemudian turn on rice cooker dan masak nasi macam biasa sehingga air rebusan nasi dah mendidih dan sedikit kering.
2. Kemudian masukkan ayam dan cendawan yang dah diperap dan sambung masak sehingga nasi masak sepenuhnya. Lepas nasi dah masak, biarkan dalam warm mode selama 10 minit.
english recipe//

Chicken rice :

- 2 cups fragrant rice (soak for 30 minutes, and wash clean)
- 2 1/4 cups chicken stock (hot water + 1 cube of chicken stock)
- chicken fat (fried to extract oil from chicken fat)
- 1/3 cup of water from soaking shiitake mushrooms
- 2 cloves finely crushed garlic

Claypot Chicken:

- 1/4 chicken (I use the leg part and I remove the bones)
- A little corn flour
- salted fish
- 5 dried shiitake mushrooms (soak in hot water for 10-15 minutes until soft)
- 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce
- 1/2 teaspoon sweet soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon of sesame oil
- 1/2 inch chopped ginger
- spring onion
- cooking oil

*How to Cook in a Rice Cooker:

1. Add the sauteed rice together with the chicken stock and mushroom stock, then turn on the rice cooker and cook the rice as usual until the rice's water has boiled and is slightly dry.
2. Then add the marinated chicken and mushrooms and continue cooking until the rice is fully cooked. After the rice is cooked, leave it in warm mode for 10 minutes.
First I cut the chicken that had been removed from the bone.