How To Regrow Herbs In Tin Cans
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Here is what you'll need!

Repurposed Herb Garden

Warm water
Dish soap
Empty tin cans
Sand paper
Clear metal primer
Acrylic paint
Basil trimmings
Rosemary trimmings
Cilantro trimmings
Small rocks
Potting soil

1. Remove labels from the cans by soaking for 10 minutes in warm, soapy water.
2. Sand down any sharp edges around the rim of the can.
3. Spray with a clear metal primer and let dry.
4. Paint with acrylic paint and dry completely.
5. Remove leaves from the bottom third of organic basil, rosemary, and cilantro cuttings and place each in own can. Fill with water ⅔ of the way up the cuttings. Store in an area that is bright, but out of direct sunlight, and change the water daily until roots begin to sprout, about 7-10 days.
6. Once the roots have grown to ¼ -½ inch long, remove from water and drain the can. Make holes in the bottom of the can for drainage using a hammer and a nail.
7. Fill ⅓ of the can with small rocks and fill the rest of the can with potting soil. Stick your finger into the soil to your second knuckle, and place the rooted cuttings in the divot. Top with more soil and pack down. Spray soil with water.
8. Place in a well-lit area that gets up to 6 hours of sunlight, and keep soil moist.
9. Enjoy!

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Cheeky Chappie
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