Homemade Chicken Nugget #shorts
Hi, assalamualaikum semua. Harini saya nak share resepi nugget ayam homemade.Mudah je nak buat, boleh difrozenkan dan sedap sangat! Kalau korang nak frozenkan, lepas dah salut breadcrumbs boleh frozenkan terus ya. Nugget ni boleh di air-fry ataupun goreng ok!


- 400g ayam ( dada+ thigh) , buang tulang dan kulit
- 2-3 biji bawang merah yg digoreng
- 1/2 biji carrot
- 50g ais
- 2 sudu mkn susu tepung
- 4 sudu mkn self-raising flour/tepung naik sendiri
- 1 sudu mkn tepung ubi
- 2 sudu teh garam
- 1/2 sudu teh kiub pati ayam/daging
- white pepper
english recipe//

- 400g chicken (breast + thigh), remove bones and skin
- 2-3 fried shallots
- 1/2 carrot
- 50g of ice
- 2 tablespoons of powdered milk
- 4 spoons of self-raising flour
- 1 tablespoon tapioca flour
- 2 teaspoons of salt
- 1/2 teaspoon cubed chicken/meat essence
- white pepper